Tuesday, January 24, 2012

That moment when...Growth appears

That moment when your shoulders are tight and your heart rate is increasing every second... 
That moment when you begin shooting daggers and using the frown muscles in your face...
That moment when you just need to unleash your wrath... 

That moment when peace becomes you because you realize, your "wrath" will not deescalate the situation, those daggers aren't making the dispute better. 
So you exhale slowly and thank God for helping you to maintain your composure and grace. You realize, the situation is over with and you are proud with how you handled it. 
I say to myself, "Hey! I didn't do/say anything I would regret and at the end of the day this situation was really trivial and doesn't affect my life."

At the end of the day I can live with how I acted and reacted...... But BOY WAS IT HARD! -Growth


Thursday, January 19, 2012

God Funds Purpose

I heard that saying months ago but did not fully understand it until last night. For the past month I have been studying for the GRE to better my chances in getting a fellowship or an assistantship to pursue my Ph.D. Lately I have been secondguessing myself in doing better on this test, I started to think that I made a mistake in making this move and about how I will fund out of state fees for this degree. Last night, I watched a Bible Study session from Nashville where the Bishop mentioned how God Funds Purpose, how if it is His will it is His bill, and that we shouldn't downsize our vision or budget our purpose because we don't have the money. That we should continue to step out on what God is telling you to do. As soon as Bishop said all that I had an "aha" moment. I started thinking about all the things that has happened to me to get me thus far. It began with the professor I want to work with saying he didn't have funds for me to him talking to the dean and finding a fellowship for me to apply for. Next it was having enough savings to even make the move from Nashville to Bryan, TX. I didn't realize it at the time but God IS funding my purpose and there is NO need for me to doubt myself because He is pushing me to success and I'm going after it. Like Bishop said, God is pushing me to break through and the devil comes through to breakdown. I know what my purpose is..I've seen the vision..I know I'm doing what God wants me to do!
Ms. Rita

Monday, January 9, 2012

What Had Happened Was.....

I'm trying to focus on the blessings of 2012, but I can't seem to shake this nagging feeling and these nagging thoughts. I mean this is what I wanted right???? 30% yes lol. I mean these people gossip 24-7, they keep adding more than what it was led on my description would be, but at the same time it's quiet and I don't have people constantly harassing me. But then it's just something about this situation that doesn't feel right in my soul.  The best thing is being able to help people that really need and that are trying to better themselves, and having my own (ample) space. That's what I keep telling myself... then I say am I helping myself? 

No matter how much I keep throwing positives, there's always this lingering Big Gigantic
I'm not getting what I need for licensure but I am gaining new experience. I'm putting my car through it regarding the mileage. I mean I was planning on getting a new car by the middle of this year anyway...but I don't know if Platinum will last that long (fingers crossed).


Until the next situation.... Adieu :)