Sunday, December 18, 2011

The CHAMP Graduates!!!!

Our sister GRADUATED!!!!

I'm so happy and proud of her, it's been a long road and along the way she's gained and accomplished many things. I know if I asked her what she planned to do next her response would be, "Try to take over the world!" hahaha. Love my friend, I don't know what God has in store for her but I'm sure it's filled with greatness. Now I can't wait for her to move closer to me!


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Ok so while blogging about my new job, i just realized now I can do what I loved the most.... dressing up professionally and taking pictures. Now I have a venue to show case them..... Yippie. Every day before Internship I had a photo shoot.
I'm not the typical slacks and blouse chik. In my profession some feel as a therapist they need to dress boring... psh NOT I. I love to keep it exciting and professional. So I can't wait to go shopping (once i get paid a few times lol) and put different things together.

Definitely an upside to all this lololol. JK


The Verdict is.....

So I heard back from the Kissimmee job and I'll start on the 28th as an Adult Senior Counselor helping those recovering from substance abuse. I'm nervous working with a population that I haven't before, but excited to learn new things. I'm worried that the hours won't count towards my MFT licensure, so I need to find that out ASAP. See when I applied, it said family and youth, but then it seems to only be adults. But I interviewed anyway because I mean at this moment I can't be picky you know.

Now the Tampa job that focuses on going into at-risk family’s homes is soooo down my alley and I could learn so much. I had my 3rd interview on Thursday and it was full of clinical scenarios that I felt very good about. Just made me want to work there more. They want me to do a ride along... I don't know when I can do that, when I don't come back till the 25th and they closed on the 26th and I start the other job on the 28th... Too much going on. I like this job because it pays 2000 a yr. more and I automatically will get a 3000 raise every 6 months for 2 years. They pay for licensure. The only thing is, it's in Tampa and while the hubby is on board to move, we would need a place to stay and find him another job ASAP or else we would essentially be in the same boat we are in now with one income.

I'm starting to think maybe I can talk with the director and see if maybe I can start later than Jan 3. Maybe I can try it again in early summer. It's sad because it seems it would be great and I know the Tampa job is more work: 24hr on call on weekdays, driving as far as 80 miles to visit homes (they reimburse me for it). Court cases etc.

So I think what is best for my family is to remain here and gain a new professional facet. I think it'll be interesting, stressful, overwhelming and great all at once. Hopefully the Tampa job can work something out. If not then it wasn't meant to be. I just hope I’m not mistakenly going left when I should be going right on what God has planned for me.

Time will tell.....


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Job...Yay????

So yesterday I got the call back from this one place I had applied, interviewed and turned paperwork in for around the beginning of OCT.
Ugh, they want me to start training next week.... What's the problem you ask, well I'll be out of the country for a week with my family. Apparently they only do training once a month 0_o. So they ask, "well can you start this week?" I'm thinking but you just said you only do it once a month soooooooooo how is this possible? Instead I asked if I could return her call tomorrow, so I could have time to figure out some things. She then responds, "Oh is there another job you need to get time off from?" To myself I'm thinking well if that were the case that would be very difficult since you all are calling very last minute.
Anyway.....To myself I'm thinking how can I possibly start this week. I have doctors appts that I need to take Rayna to before we go on vacation since she's been complaining about certain ailments.

Well, I called back today and asked if I could start we'll see.

I don't understand why things are always difficult for me. This is almost the same thing that happened in Gainesville after I graduated and obtained full-time employment. Everything always seems so difficult for me, like there is always a catch, situation or issue. Why can't I just ease into the job and rejoice about my new employment?
I know He has a plan and maybe it's not meant for me to have this job but having two incomes would be great to start the new year.

Oh and I forgot to mention there is also this possibility about this gaining employment in Tampa in January, I have my final phone interview thursday morning. That means relocating...another not so ease slide into employment. lol

Welp, it's in His hands and I trust His decision.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Howdy From Texas Yall

I made it down to Texas on Tuesday! It has been a long week but I'm finally getting settled and almost done unpacking. On my first day I saw 6 deer from my apartment in the woods area behind it!! Getting a little acquainted with the area, this place kind of reminds me of Gainesville. Now its time to get into school! Oh and received some great encouragement from my priest back in Nashville....
Happy to hear you made it safely. Remember why you are there andmake sure I get in invitation when they give you the title of Dr. Takecare and God bless and know that we are always here when you need us.
Fr. Wildgoose
Making it happen, Ms. Rita

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

1st Update ....not too happy to report

Well ....if has been about 3 weeks and i have not gained more than my original starting weight, but i have gained back those 3 pounds that i initially lost. It was depressing to know i couldn't keep off those 3 little pounds and i know i said i would report the good and the bad but i really wasn't expecting the bad to come so soon.
I thought the 1st 20 pounds were the easiest to lose cause its water weight and tightening of loose flabby areas but looks like its more of a challenge than expected.
ok so this week i plan on walking 3 miles this week, and cutting out any not fruit drinks. That really means soda and Kool aid lol.... yes i still drink kool aid (don't judge me ). So water and cranberry juice is what i'm looking at ...oh and milk (i'm addicted to it ) ill never stop drinking milk ....EVER!
Wish my luck making it happen

The Champ Out...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Talk is Cheap!

Sometimes people are all TALK. They say and do stuff only because it sounds good to them. But are they really going to follow through or try to... Psh probably not.

They love the idea of what they said and see it has a grand gesture at times. Then when the time comes 75% of the time they do not follow through and wonder why individuals don't take them seriously when they TALK.
I'm more of the silent type, if there's a possibility something won't get done they I won't boast about it or talk up a storm about it. I'm usually silent about things I want/intend on doing until it happens or until I'm in the process of the action.

Understandably so, sometimes no matter how hard you TRY, your TALK won't become reality but the key word here is they TRY.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Walking By Faith

I always knew I was going to be Dr. Murray, but I was always scared of the process of applying for schools so I always pushed it off. I knew I was going to have to connect with many professors to see if they would want to work with me and if they had room for another graduate student. I think I was more worried about being rejected than anything else. So when I graduated in May, I knew I couldn't prolong it anymore and it was time for me to buckle down and start looking at phD programs. I was looking at professors from schools in the south (because I can't do those north winters lol), but only one professor (at Texas A&M) had me interested in their research where I felt I could contribute, learn from his experience, and expand on my own research. I calmed down my worry and just went for it. I contacted the professor and I was able to setup a meeting with him in late May! I went down there and he showed me around their facilities and answered all of my questions. I loved the atmosphere down there and loved my experience so much I was ready to start the program that second! When I got back to Nashville, I everything that I needed to do to make sure I was getting into that school for the Spring. I even retook the GRE and made sure my application was turned in early enough so I would know as soon as possible especially with my lease ending in November. With my app turned-in in August, it was time for me to play the waiting game....

Here it is late October...Oct 4th I contacted the professor I want to work with to see if he has heard anything and he said he hasn't even seen my application. When he said that I started doubting and worrying that this wasn't going to happen even though this felt so right to me. And I started thinking Oh My God I put all my eggs in one basket what am I going to do if this doesn't plan out. It was just a bad week for me emotionally and I really didn't want to be bothered. But I kept praying about the situation and kept my faith. The professor got back to me the following week to let me know that because of funding he could not take me as a student. I missed what I needed on the GRE by 10pts and knew that him finding funding was going to be hard but I was willing to attend without funding from the school because I knew its where I want to be. You know coming from the week I had before that email you would I'd be crying, back to worrying and doubting, but I wasn't. I called my friends in my field and asked for their feedback on it and received great advice. I realized that I needed to go after all my options before I gave up because like I said this is what I want and I have to go after it.

I replyed to the professors email with all my ideas as to try to get into that school and told him how much I wanted to work and learn from him. He replied and had discussed my case with the dean and said I could apply for fellowships that the school has for students that don't perform well in certain areas and that it would good for me to retake the GRE again (booo lol) and if I get the fellowship than I would start in the Fall and he asked how'd that sound to me. I said it sounded GREAT I still have some hope in getting into this school!

Remember how I said my lease was ending in November, well now I needed to make a decision as to do I go down to Miami and live with the parentals or do I go and move to Texas. By the end of the week (of getting the email from the prof) I made the decision that I would move to College Station, TX! Since I will be taking the GRE again I definitely knew I could not stay in Miami and study for it. When I'm home I always feel like I'm on vacation, I never have that student mindframe. And because I have faith that I will do all the necessary things to get in for the Fall, I might as well be down there. This move feels so right in my heart and I truly believe that God is leading me there for whatever reason and I have no worries or doubt. He has given me peace to let me know that he's in control! And I'm truly thankful for having the support from family and friends on this decision and not looking at me like I'm crazy for going down there (at least no one has said that to me lol)

I'm down to 2 weeks left in Nashville and making the move to College Station (tomorrow I'm actually going down there to look at apartments!!). Been packing and looking at moving companies (since my dad is too old for moving me now lol). Been enjoying my friends and new family that I've gained from the past 2+years I've been here. I'm getting pretty excited, well I've been excited since I've made the decision about this next journey in my life. Excited to see where the Lord is taking me, excited about the new experiences I'll have in Texas (the good & the bad), excited about starting school in the Fall (CLAIMING IT!). I am sad about leaving Nashville I've had great memories here and cherish every moment, I don't even want to think of the tears that will come when I leave :( But until that day comes I'm kicking it and leaving Nashville with a bang!

Still can't believe I'm doing this move.... :-D

Ms. Rita

LOSING 80lbs..... by April 2012

Ok so I have been saying since 2004 I’m gonna lose weight, I’m gonna diet, I’m gonna maintain this weight, now in 2011 I’m exactly 80 pounds heavier than my freshman year of college weight. It is time for a change. So my struggle with my weight is I get depressed because clothes don’t fit me at the stores. When I was in high school I could wear med and large shirts I had a nice shape and I was self conscience but I could fake to the rest of the world but my friends and family knew how I felt about my weight. I constantly compared myself to my friends who were both track stars in their own right, and had higher metabolisms than mine. I was athletic; flag football, cheerleading, basketball. I truly just felt it was my genes to be thick and there was nothing I could do the change it so I just accepted I was gonna be big at the age of 17. In high school I was 180lbs and by graduation I was 200lbs, but I didn’t look it. I had thick thighs nice rounded bottom and a chest I love till this day. I rocked my weight well and I was ok with being 200lbs.

When I entered college I was a volunteer in the gym and I loved it I got the work out and gain hours toward graduation. My goal was to stay this weight throughout college. I was determined not to gain the freshman 15. Then my boyfriend at the time and I were seeing more of each other and I thought the smart thing to do was birth control. Ladies for me this was where it all went wrong. I had an immediate reaction. I gained 25lbs in one semester of school. It hurt too cause I was working out daily (weight lifting and dance team, and swim team )and was still seeing the number go up on the scale. It was depressing and it hurt but I just said I did it to myself so I accepted it and moved on again.

I have gone through many, many downs and set back with my weight but now I have decided I’m gonna get it done. I’m now and 280lbs, yes the first woman to put her real weight out there. My goal is to lose 80lbs by April 19, 2011. Yes I didn’t want to put an ending date on there but I did so it’s real and it’s a goal and I’m going to do this and keep it off. Now I’ll give you my week to week up date and I have set small goals along the way for myself, one of which I have already met. As of Oct.26, 2011 I lost 3lbs in one week…. A small step in the right direction.

The Champ Out…

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Brown Sugar Pork Chops....OMG

So lately I have been on this brown sugar tip. From wings to cupcakes Tasty Cravings blogspot and now Pork chops. OMG it was so delicious! I do wish I added more brown sugar though 8-).
 I went off of McCormicks Apple Sage recipe but I changed/ added ingredients. So I didn't really use measuring spoons but I'll guesstimate for reproduction purposes.

Serving size = 6 pork chops

 In a large bowl mix these ingredients (rem these are all approximations):
3 tbsp of All purpose flour
2 tbsp of rubbed sage
Sprinkle of ground black pepper
3 tsp of Seasoned salt or 1 tsp of salt
1.5 tbsp of chopped red onions
1 tsp of crushed red pepper
2 tsp of Thyme
1 tsp of Paprika
1-2 cups of brown sugar (depending on your preference but I'd add more lol)

Now place each pork chop in and individually rug the mix onto both sides.  I had to make a lil extra for my last 2 pork chops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Massage it in good, like so (eyes looking below)

Place about 1 tbsp of Olive oil in a frying pan or large pot (like I did) on Medium high
Cook on each side until it is brown on each side and cooked through.

After  I cooked them all, I placed them all back in the pot and drained whatever brown sugar mixture I had left into the pot to let it simmer , stir/turn every 30 seconds or so to make sure each pork chop gets to simmer on the bottom of the pot.

Steamy and delicious

I paired this with a salad, all the brown sugar I used lol I needed something healthy. The second night I paired it with steamed broccoli. Of course the picture of have showing meal 2 is blurry...Go figure!

Well if you all try it, please comment and let me know how it was or what you did differently.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's been a minute

So I've decided to pursue a PhD in Health Psychology. Classes are going well right now. Of course it's only the beginning... the research aspect still scares me a bit. But hey the dissertation doesn't anymore. One time for progress lol. It’s funny how Facebook, of all places, helped me decide this by having a conversation about childhood obesity with a two friends. I’m hoping to incorporate health concerns and family/couples counseling.

I have so many things that interest. Who says I can only attack one. 
My cousin and I have been talking about an online cupcake business for a year now. We finally created a blog (still in the beg stages) and a Facebook page for. Two times for progress lol. 
Check us out: Tasty Cravings

I’m going to really try and post more often, can’t expect to obtain followers if I’m not saying anything.


Sunday, September 25, 2011


Fear will endlessly keep us in a place where we probably shouldn't be. The Lord could send us a million signs to begin something new, to move on etc., but the fear of doing so will keep us in a place where we “think” we're comfortable, when in all actuality we're being held back from our true calling and greatness.

As the saying goes:
 "It's not what you are that holds you back,
 it's what you think you're not."


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

?Donde Esta Mi Trabajo?

Seriously… why does it seem as if everyone is working except me? I mean I know that isn’t the case (after many phone calls and social networking sites stating my fellow cohorts are still looking), but it definitely feels as if I’m being black-balled. I just want to improve the minds of couples and individuals. Then I think well maybe God is waiting for me to finally register my practice… since I keep prolonging that aspect of it. I mean I have business cards, savings acct and a website…what am I waiting for… right?! I’m scared (but don’t tell anyone), failure doesn’t smooth over well with me and so I’m always thinking about the best way to go about doing this. What that means is, I’m analyzing it to the fullest degree and then analyzing that. Welp! By the end of September I will have registered something and it’s in God’s hands from there. 

Wish me luck! 


Being mature enough to handle it …..

So I’m currently sitting at my house my boyfriend just got a phone call that caused him to rush out at 11:45pm to go to his son’s mom’s house. I don’t want to say I’m mad at the situation but I do wish I knew a little more about the situation. Like what’s the emergency, why is she calling you so late, why did you feel it was necessary to leave and not tell me what was wrong? Someone else might think I’m over thinking the situation or some may say I’m over reacting and I should be thankful I have a good man who not only has a good relationship with the mother of his children but also has a beautiful heart and will come when ever they need help…. But although I try to fight the feeling I’m still a chick and I know some times women (baby mamma’s)may over use their power to prove a point ,ie. “if I want your man I can get him” and they prove this by making up situation, saying the child is sick every other day , making family events that should include the father if they were together , having photo ops where they take pictures as a family even though….Ahhh

Am I being mean? I mean I know one time before we were and official couple he left me to go to her rescue because her house had been broken into and when she got there he was the first person she called. I mean why? Her parents lived here at that time and her dad is a retired still in shape army/navy man. I mean if I’m in trouble the first person I call is my mom and she lives 7 hrs away …. I just don’t know if I’m feeling insecure cause if that’s what this is I have never been given a reason the feel this way but if I’m justified in feeling this way then I need some answers cause I don’t like to be left in the dark about situations. I like to know and ask questions until I grasp the situation. But how do I ask these questions without feeling like I’m harassing him or condemning him? You know what I mean?

The Champ Out …

Friday, June 24, 2011

Haters or lovers, you decide

So here’s the situation, I changed jobs for the betterment of others lives. No really, if I were to stay, there may have been some black eyes, hurt feeling, and just a lot of fucked up fired people. So I chose for the safety of my stupid staff members to have myself transferred from that particular store. (Yes that was kind of me and thanks for noticing.)
So here’s where my topic comes into play. I’ve been far removed from that store for about 4 months now. And when I say far I mean its 2 minutes from my home and I never driver by or stop and see old co-workers none of that shit, I hate that place. (Loath entirely) had a Grinch moment there but I digress. So I do have a friend who still works there and she keeps her eyes and ears open for my name in people’s mouths. And do you know for me to not be in that place for that length of time I’m still the number one topic of choice. No seriously I’m number one.
I cut my hair to go natural they haven’t seen me nor does anyone there know who my friend on the inside is but everyone there talks about how I lost my mind and shaved my head bald because of the stress of the job. I haven’t stepped one foot in that place in 4 months and my arch nemesis is telling the new girls about how it use to be when I was there, about how I wanted everything perfect, about how I was the bitch that she helped get booted out (not true at all got the whole thing on tape if you want my proof), about how everyone there hated me …. And the list goes on people with the things that have come from this particular person’s mouth about me. And today when I was told about this I laughed to myself in my pimp voice, tee hee , and I said tell her thank you for doing her job. And I meant that from the bottom of my heart.
Yes I said for doing her job. Because she’s a hater, and her job is to spread the hate which in fact shows the love she has for me, or at least for her job as my hater. Come with me, go with me, Stay with me here people. She has to love me to want to share all her memories of me with others, she has to love me to want to continue to keep the memory of me alive even when she knows I will never return, she has to love me to want to tell others about me who have never met me or will never have the pleasure of meeting me. I chuckle to myself at how much this makes sense to me now. She is a hater and she loves her job and I should commend her for doing a job well done because when she talks others listen, and share stores of me in which they unite in their common interest which is the love of hating on me. Oh people you are not ready for this are you.
See no one wants to hate on their own so they have to have people who will agree with them, sympathize with them, maybe even share their same perspective with them, in turn adds to my haters circle which in fact makes me more loved, because I don’t have to do anything to make them think of me, I’m just permanently engraved in the hearts and minds of my haters. Yet they mean nothing to me other than the fact that they keep my memory alive. Yes it almost brings a tear to my eye when I think of it as well. Bottom line is I give haters a reason for being, and in return they love me for it.
The Champ Out....
P.s. now that’s a knee slapper

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Seriously hire me...AHORA!

I'm so ready to start working and just starting contributing to my family's income. My friend and I met on Monday to discuss life after graduation and it's like we don't qualify for certain jobs because of our Master's degree (publix, target etc) yet we aren't getting the other jobs because they want more experience or simply because it's so many of us applying to the same places... SUCKS!

So I'm applying back home where the pay is better. I mean I know I've only been out of school for one month now but still I WANNA USE MY DEGREE ASAP.

In the mean time I'll continue to read my books, search everyday for new positions I didn't already apply to and enjoy my freedom before I begin working and going back to school for my Ph.D



Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ego Stroking

Everyone does it. When you say, “Oh yeah right there right there” and you know it’s not right there, or when he says “who’s pussy is this” and you being the ego stroker you are you say, “It’s yours baby” when in all reality you know it belongs solely to you and only you. But I chuckle because we do it cause in reality we are all people pleaser. We want to make him happy from time to time so we yell a name you breath harder than really necessary and you say I feel it in my stomach when none of these things are really necessary. Not to say this doesn’t happen from time to time but seriously not every guy is boat rocker. IM JUST SAYING

Neyo says it best in his song Mirror, Baby I love making love in front of the mirror, So that I can watch you enjoying me, Baby tonight let's try in front of the mirror watching ourselves make love Girl why don't we”. This is how men stroke their own egos. They judge themselves without even a word from their partner. They watch their own stroke and your reaction to the stroke which tells if they need to find a new way or if they are killing it. Some men use the mirror in a good way like mentioned before and some men use the mirror as an almost homo-erotic way of making love to themselves but that another topic all together. Using the mirror for your own pleasure is bad. The sexual experience should be enjoyable for both partners. Not just you seeing how much you muscles pop when you thrust or how far away you can be form the pussy when you hitting it from the back. The thing is we all ego stroke, just in my opinion men get a lil more ego stroking in the bed room then women get. But trust and believe women get there ego stroked in others ways.

The champ out…

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What to say... what to say?

So, I've wanted to blog for a quite some time now. I kept trying to get my best-friends to join me in this venture, which made it worse lol. Together we were one big ball of indecision. Alas, I've created a blog and now I'm stuck with the dilemma of actually blogging o_0.

With the help of my amigas, I think I'm going to blog about relationships, fashion, sports (whenever football gets with the program) and whatever else my analytical mind comes up with.

So stick with me as I get with the program.... it may be a while. I say so because I'll probably think of a topic, analyze it, then analyze it again, then once more just because and then end up coming to the conclusion that "eh, I don't want to write that." 
