Friday, November 18, 2011

Howdy From Texas Yall

I made it down to Texas on Tuesday! It has been a long week but I'm finally getting settled and almost done unpacking. On my first day I saw 6 deer from my apartment in the woods area behind it!! Getting a little acquainted with the area, this place kind of reminds me of Gainesville. Now its time to get into school! Oh and received some great encouragement from my priest back in Nashville....
Happy to hear you made it safely. Remember why you are there andmake sure I get in invitation when they give you the title of Dr. Takecare and God bless and know that we are always here when you need us.
Fr. Wildgoose
Making it happen, Ms. Rita

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for you because I rem what moving to a new place was like. Where you don't know anyone and it's like ehhhh (shaking in boots). But you have a purpose and you're there to see it thru...
    Gooooooooooooo YOU!!!!!!!!!! lol
