Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Job...Yay????

So yesterday I got the call back from this one place I had applied, interviewed and turned paperwork in for around the beginning of OCT.
Ugh, they want me to start training next week.... What's the problem you ask, well I'll be out of the country for a week with my family. Apparently they only do training once a month 0_o. So they ask, "well can you start this week?" I'm thinking but you just said you only do it once a month soooooooooo how is this possible? Instead I asked if I could return her call tomorrow, so I could have time to figure out some things. She then responds, "Oh is there another job you need to get time off from?" To myself I'm thinking well if that were the case that would be very difficult since you all are calling very last minute.
Anyway.....To myself I'm thinking how can I possibly start this week. I have doctors appts that I need to take Rayna to before we go on vacation since she's been complaining about certain ailments.

Well, I called back today and asked if I could start afterwards....so we'll see.

I don't understand why things are always difficult for me. This is almost the same thing that happened in Gainesville after I graduated and obtained full-time employment. Everything always seems so difficult for me, like there is always a catch, situation or issue. Why can't I just ease into the job and rejoice about my new employment?
I know He has a plan and maybe it's not meant for me to have this job but having two incomes would be great to start the new year.

Oh and I forgot to mention there is also this possibility about this gaining employment in Tampa in January, I have my final phone interview thursday morning. That means relocating...another not so ease slide into employment. lol

Welp, it's in His hands and I trust His decision.


1 comment:

  1. I know it may a little discouraging at times, but with the persistent faith you have, everything will fall into place when it is supposed to. I feel the same way at times, and I'm just like... Why? But I always look at the big picture and remember that what God has for me will be for me, and it will be great! You just have to remember that. Everything will work out. I believe it will. :)
